Tea Pot Set

Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose

Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose
Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose
Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose
Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose

Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose   Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose
A Teapot & 2 Teacup set. Set of 2 Bristol Tankard Mug.

Set of 2 Mistletoe Tankard Mug.

Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose   Portmeirion The Holly and the Ivy Teapot set Choose